Plutarch's Lives of Noble Grecians and Romalles 3 I 7 Now C<esar, though he was marvelous sorie for the death of Cleopatra, yet he wondred at hel' noble minde and corage, and therefore commaunded she should be nobly buried, and layed by Antonius 1: and willed also that her two women shoulde have honorable buriall. Cleopatra dyed being eight and thirtie yeare olde, after she had raigned two and twenty yeres, and governed above foureteene of them with Antonius. And for Antonius, some say that he lived three and fiftie yeares: and others say, six and fiftie. 2 All his statues, images, and met tails, were plucked downe and overthrowen, saving those of Cleopatra which stoode still in their places, by meanes of Archibius one of her frendes, who gave C<esar a thowsande talentes that they should not be handled, as those of Antonius were. Antonius left seven children by three wives, of the which, C<esar did put Antyllus, the eldest sonne he had by Fulvia, to death. Octavia his wife tooke all the rest, and brought them up with hers, and maried Cleopatra, Antonius daughter, unto Juba, a marvelous curteous and goodly Prince. And Antonius, the sonne of Fulvia came to be so great, that next unto Agrippa, who was in greatest estimacion about C<esar, and next unto the children of Livia, which were the second in estimacion: he had the third place. Furthermore, Octavia having had two daughters by her first husband Marcellus, and a sonne also called Marcellus: C<esar maried his daughter unto that Marcellus, and so did adopt him for his sonne. And Octavia also maried one of her daughters unto Agrippa. But when Marcellus was deade, after he had bene maried a while, Octavia perceiving that her brother C<esar was very busie to choose some one among his frends, whom he trusted best to make his sonne in law: she perswaded him, that Agrippa should mary his daughter, (Marcellus widow) and leave her owne daughter. C<esar first was contented withall, and then Agrippa: and so she afterwards tooke away her daughter and maried her unto Antonius, and Agrippa married Julia, C<esars daughter. Now there remained two daughters more of Octavia and Antonius. Domitius Ai:nobarbus maried the one: and the other, which was Antonia, so fayer and vertuous a young Ladie, was maried unto Drusus the sonne of Livia, and sonne in law of C<esar. Of this mariage, came Germanicus and Clodius: of the which, Clodius afterwards came to be Emperour.3 And of the sonnes of Germanicus, the one whose name was Caius, came also to be Emperour: who, after he had licentiously raigned a time, was slaine, with his wife and daughter. Agrippina also, having a sonne by her

AntOlD' and Cleopatra first husbande i'Enobarbus called Lucius Domitius: was afterwardes maried unto Clodius, who adopted her sonne, and called him Nero Germanicus. This Nero was Emperour in our time, and slue his owne mother, and had almost destroyed the Empire of Rome, through his madnes and wicked life, being the fift Emperour of Rome after Antonius.