Roman Histories rif Lucius Julius FlOTUS 549 honored, and sory to be rejected and denied any honour: but also he sought all the meanes he could to make him selfe beloved of those amongest whome he lived. Whereas Martius stowtnes, and hawty stomake, did stay him from making much of those, that might advaunce and honour him: and yet his ambition made him gnawe him selfe for spite and anger, when he sawe he was despised. And this is all that reasonably may be reproved in him: for otherwise he lacked no good commendable vertues and qualities. For his temperaunce, and deane handes from taking of bribes and money, he may be compared with the most perfect, vertuous, and honest men of all Grrece 1: but not with Alcibiades, who was in that undoutedly alwayes too licentious and losely geven, and had too small regard of his credit and honestie.