Thei comen home, and tarie nought. This coffer into his chamber is brought, Whiche that thei finde faste stoke, But thei with crafte it have unloke. Thei loken in, where as thei founde, A body deade, which was wounde In cloth of golde, as I saide ere. The tresour eke thei founden there, Forthwith the letter, whiche thei rede, And tho thei token better hede. Unsowed was the body soone. As he that knewe, what was to doone, This noble clerk with alle haste Began the veynes for to taste, And sawe hir age was of you the. And with the craftes, whiche he couth, He sought and found a signe of life. With that this worthie kinges wife Honestlie thei token oute, And maden fyres all aboute. Thei leied hir on a couche softe, And with a shete warmed ofte Hir colde breste began to heate, Hir herte also to Hacke and beate, This maister hath hir every joynte With certein oyle and balsam anoynte, And put a licour in hir mouthe, Whiche is to fewe clerkes couthe. So that she covereth at laste.2