Nowe Gerimon had a scholler in Physicke, whose name was Machaon, very towardly in his profession, of yeres but yong, but antient in wit and experience, who comming in while these things were doing, and beholding so beautifull a corps layd upon the pile, hee stoode still and wondered at it. Which thing Gerimon perceiving: Thou art come in good time saide hee to Machaon, and I looked for thee about this time. Take this flagon of precious ointment, and powre it uppon the corps, being the last ceremonie of the sepulture. Then came Machaon unto the corps, and pulled the clothes from the ladies bosome, and powred foorth the ointment, and bestowing it abroad with his hand, perceived some warmth in her breast, and that there was life in the body. Machaon stoode astonished, and hee felt her pulses, and layde his cheeke to her mouth, and examined all other tokens that he could devise, and he perceived how death strived with life within her, and that the conflict was daungerous and doubtfull, who should prevaile. Then saide he unto the servants: set fire unto the wood at the foure corners of the pile, and cause it to burne moderatly, and bring me hither a bed that I may take the body out of the chest, and lay it thereon.