D. Epitaph from a slab let in the wall of what was formerly the tower of the church at Lee, Kent2 Here lyeth buried the bodyes of Bryan Anslye Esquier, late of Lee in the county of Kent, and Audry his wife, the only daughter of Robert Ture1l, ofBurbrocke in the county of Essex Esquier. He had issue by her one sonne and three daughters, Bryan who died without issue; Grace married to Sr John Wilgoose, Knight; Christian married to the Lord Sands; and Cordell married to Sir William Hervey, Knight.3 The said Bryan the father died on the Xth of July 1604; he served Queene Elizabeth as one of the band of Gentlemen Pencioners to her Matle the space of XXXtye yeares. The said Awdry died on the XXVth ofNovebeber (sic) 1591. Cordell, the youngest daughter, at her owne proper cost and chardges, in further testimonie of her

3 I I dutifulliove unto her father and mother, caused this monument to be erected for the p'petuall memorie of their names against the ingratefull nature of oblivious time.