But from this Ship ariseth a rumour of the necessity and distresse our people were found in, for want of victuall: of which, though the noise have exceeded the truth, yet we doe confesse a great part of it; But can lay aside the cause and fault from the dessigne, truely and home upon the misgovernment of the Commanders, by dissention and ambition among themselves, and upon the Idlenesse and bestiall slouth, of the common sort, who were active in nothing but adhearing to factions and parts, even to their owne ruine, like men almost desperate of all supply, so conscious, and guilty they were to themselves of their owne demerit, and lasinesse. But so soone as Captaine Argoll arrived among them, whose presence and example gave new assurance of our cares, and new life to their indeavours, by fishing onely in few days, they were all recovered, growne hearty, able, and ready to undertake every action.