I was glad to rid him out of the way, least he shoulde see me burst out of these swelling teares, which hitherto with great payne I have prisoned in my brest, & least he shoulde heare the Eccho of my doubled sighes, whiche bounce from the botome of my bevy heart. 0 cursed I, 0 cruell fortune, that so many dispersed griefes as were sufficient to subvert a legion of Lovers, hast sodenly assembled within my carefull carkase to freat this fearfull heart in sunder with desperation. Thou that hast kepte my master all his youthe within the realme of Sicilia, reserving the wind and waves in a temperate calme (as it were at his commaunde) nowe to convey his aged limmes hither, neither sooner nor later: but even in the worst time that may be. If at any time before tho•J haddest conducted him, this enterprise had bene cut offwithout care in the beginning: and if never so little longer thou hadst lingred his jorney, this happie day might then have fully finished our drifts & devises. But alas, thou hast brought him even in the very worst time, to plunge us al in the pit of perdition. Neither art thou content to entangle me alone in thy ruinous ropes, but thou must also catch the right Erostrato in thy crooked dawes, to reward us both with open shame & rebuke. Two yeeres hast thou kept secrete our subtill Supposes, even this day to discipher them with a sorowfull successe. What shall I do? Alas what shift shall I make? it is too late now to imagine any further deceite, for every minute seemeth an houre til I find some succour for the miserable captive Erostrato. Wei, since there is no other reme-

1 In margin: Another plain and homely suppose.