The Governour Gysippus, where was then your wisedom, that ye remembred nat the fragilitie of our commune nature? What neded you to call me for a witnesse of your private delites? 'Why wolde ye have me see that, whiche you youre selfe coulde nat beholde without ravisshinge of mynde and carnall appetite? Alas, why forgat ye that our myndes and appetites were ever one? And that also what so ye lyked was ever to me in lyke degree pleasaunt? What will ye more? Gysippus, I saye your trust is the cause that I am intrapped; the rayes or beames issuinge from the eyen of her whom ye have chosen, with the remembraunce of her incomparable vertues, hath thrilled throughout the middes of my hart, and in suche wise brenneth it, that above all thinges I desire to be out of this wretched and moste unkinde lyfe, whiche is nat worthy the company of so noble and lovynge a frende as ye be. And therewith Titus concluded his confession with so profounde and bitter a sigh, receyved with teares, that it semed that al his body shulde be dissolved and relente.d in to salt dropes.