In this chapter we outline our working model of facilitation to operationalise the i-PARIHS framework and support evidence-based innovation in practice. As with any model, the intention is to provide more detailed guidance on how to apply the i-PARIHS framework, which we have suggested is through the process of facilitation (Box 4.1). Facilitation is positioned as the active ingredient in i-PARIHS, with one or more individuals in the designated role of facilitators, helping to navigate individuals and teams through the complex change processes involved and the contextual challenges they may encounter. This requires a sound understanding of the nature of the innovation to be introduced (the focus and content of the implementation process), the individuals and teams that have to enact the change (the recipients) and the environment in which they work (the local, organisational and health system context). As we described in the previous chapter, this essentially involves thinking about what is to be implemented, who with and where. Facilitation provides the ‘how’ component of implementation.