This chapter analyses Singapore's terrorist rehabilitation and counter-ideological program an effort that has been designed to reduce the risk of convicted terrorist's potential re-engagement in terrorism post-release. It situates the analysis by sketching out the wider historical, geopolitical and sociocultural milieu within which Singapores Muslim community from which the JI detainees have emerged is embedded. The chapter tightens the analytical focus on what is known publicly about the backgrounds of the Singapore JI detainees to better understand their aims and motivations. It is gradually being brought into the counter-ideological effort. The chapter concludes a broader lesson of the Singaporean approach to terrorist detainee rehabilitation and broader counter-ideology work that is worth further exploration. The RRG website, in particular, serves as a useful tool for public education as it provides readers access to a wide range of scholarly publications, news articles and media interviews that focus on effective responses to extremism.