This collection presents the major recent writings on the Russian Revolution and its context. It brings together key texts to illustrate new interpretive approaches and covers the central topics and themes. Together, the chapters in this volume form a coherent representation of both the events and the theories and debates that relate to them.

part 1|61 pages

The Varieties of Social History

part 3|44 pages

Revisiting the Provisional Government and the Failure of the Moderates

chapter 7|16 pages

From Rhapsody to Threnody

Russia's Provisional Government in Socialist-Revolutionary eyes, February–July 1917

chapter 8|26 pages

The Rise and Fall of Smolensk's Moderate Socialists

The Politics of Class and the Rhetoric of Crisis in 1917

part 4|82 pages

Rethinking the Bolshevik Seizure of Power

chapter 9|24 pages

Lenin, Trotskii and the Arts of Insurrection

The Congress of Soviets of the Northern Region, 11–13 October 1917

chapter 10|32 pages

“All Power to the Soviets”

The Bolsheviks Take Power