Biotechnology techniques are being applied to plants to produce plant materials with improved composition, functional characteristics, or organoleptic properties. Genetic modifications have produced fruits that can ripen on the vine for better taste and yet have a longer shelf life through delayed pectin degradation. Terminator technology is a transgenic approach that uses a ribosomal inactivating protein gene – Gene X, expressed under the control of a tissue specific – late embryogenesis activity promoter. Terminator technology leads to various beneficial paths to plant breeders, private sectors, and at certain level to the government sector too, but the coin always has two sides. Terminator technology can be good for the intensive farming operations in the developed world. In order to protect the intellectual property rights, a new technology known as the Genetic Use Restriction Technology or Terminator Technology was born. The characteristic feature of terminator seeds is their ability to generate plants that give rise to sterile seeds.