The majority of Early Mesolithic sites ascribed to the Maglemose culture (9000–6400 cal bc) in Denmark are located in the inland areas, unlike comparable sites in Norway and Sweden, which are predominantly found in the former coastal regions. The focal point of this chapter is an examination of whether we have a representative picture of the distribution of Maglemose sites in southern Scandinavia, or whether the predominance of inland sites reflects the fact that coastal sites have not been identified below present-day sea level. Chapter 2 therefore investigates whether – and to what extent – the observed disparity between these two regions results from variations in site availability or is merely a reflection of true disparities between the Early Mesolithic societies in these two regions. Evidence is presented suggesting that coastal sites from the latest part of the Maglemose culture in Vendsyssel in northern Jutland are now situated above present-day sea level, and that this is the only place in present-day Denmark where this occurs. Coastlines in this area are therefore reconstructed to investigate whether the known Maglemose settlements had coastal positions or not.