New Nordic Cuisine (NNC) has put Scandinavia on the culinary map. NNC is closely associated with the restaurant NOMA in Copenhagen, which opened in 2003. The chapter also focuses on the analytic concept of the ‘politics of scale’ from critical human geography and, specifically, on the ideas of scale jumping and scale bending. It examines the New Nordic Food project, developed by the Nordic Council of Ministers, in order to consider the effects of NNC on agri-food production in Denmark. NNC’s attempts at transferring its successes at the fine dining scale to the production scale are perhaps the least studied part of the NNC movement. In 2010, the Nordic Council of Ministers commissioned a study to survey food producers’ perceptions of NNC values. Wider adoption of NNC principles would require a major restructuring of production systems, and a reorientation away from the export markets that are the foundation of the Danish agri-food sector.