One of the most successful and reliable commercial applications of micropropagation has been the production of tropical foliage plants using micropropagation. Shoot culture is characterized by the establishment of Stage One cultures using isolated surface-disinfested meristem tips, shoot tips, or lateral buds as primary explants. Shoots that develop from these explants usually are first screened for microbial contamination. Syngonium podophyllum Schott., commonly known as nephthytis or arrowhead vine, is one of the most commercially important tropical foliage plants propagated in vitro. This chapter illustrates the sequential steps required for the micropropagation of Syngonium by shoot culture. The goal of Stage One is to establish axenic, responsive shoot cultures. Syngonium primary explant size should significantly affect culture survival and responsiveness. Meristem tip explants about two mm in length or smaller usually exhibit phenolic browning and high mortality when cultured on either Stage One establishment medium (SEM) or Stage Two multiplication medium (SMM).