This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book discusses the nature and role of microscale tests in the broader field of aquatic toxicology, not to unnecessarily "invent" a new branch of aquatic toxicology. It presents advances in microscale toxicity procedures across different levels of biological organization, different phyla, and activities of a directly practical bent. The book reviews the context, specific methodologies, and the development and use of specific types of small-scale assays. It attempts to be comprehensive and to acknowledge the large number of scientists making significant contributions in the area of aquatic toxicology. The book suggests that readers will sense the diversity of techniques, knowledge, and potential applications of the field to the management of toxic substances in aquatic environments. The requirement for multitrophic and cost-effective toxicity tests has driven the evolution of biotesting from the earlier exclusive use of macrobiotests to increased use of microbiotests.