This chapter gives a good overview of how insect populations develop in stored grain. Many insects are able to feed, develop, and multiply on whole seeds, damaged seeds, or processed cereals in storage. Storage insects can be found in grain and flour residues, old stored grain, processed and packaged food, and in nature feeding on seeds or fungus under bark of trees. There are many modes of actions for various types of insecticides ranging from neurological poisoning, to suffocation and other complex physiological abnormalities. High temperatures generally result in rapid insecticide degradation but the chemicals are more toxic to insects at high temperature, although some pyrethroids are more toxic at cooler temperatures. Insecticide use should be considered carefully and grain managers should be aware that the presence of fungus-feeding insects indicates that grain is damp or wet and becoming moldy. The degradation of contact insecticides in stored grain is affected by grain moisture content and temperature.