White-collar crime is a technical term that has migrated out of the realms of science and academia to become part of public discourse. Stories about white-collar crime are often in the news. If you were to ask the proverbial man or woman on the street, you would surely nd that most of them have heard of white-collar crime. However, if you pressed them to explain just what white-collar crime is, the answers you would receive would not be very informative. Most people would probably say something about men in suits who steal money and don’t go to prison and let it go at that. Yet, the problem of white-collar crime is enormously complex. It raises di cult social, legal, and theoretical issues that have important implications for society and for the eld of criminology. is book is designed to help you better understand the complexities of white-collar crime so that you can think critically and analytically about this important social problem. Of course, thinking critically and analytically about a social problem may strike some readers as not terribly exciting. For those of you who are looking for a more compelling reason to keep going, we hope that what you learn in these pages also will help you avoid being victimized by white-collar o enders.