ABSTRACT: As the temperature warming has a strong relationship with climate-related natural disasters which was graphed dramatically in some research reports, this study wonder to find out the varying patterns with the same trend between them on overall level, cycle level and rise-drop level based on the data from 1951 to 2010 in China. The research shows that: a) the relationship between temperature and the quantity of climate-related natural disasters is positive on the overall varying pattern. But the change of temperature is fluctuant. b) On the cycle level, whether temperature increases or decreases, the quantity of climate-related natural disastersmay increase, decrease or remain unchanged, that is to say, there isn’t an obvious varying pattern between them. c) On the rise-drop level, when the temperature increases, the quantity of climate-related natural disasters decreases. And as the temperature decreases, the quantity of climate-related natural disasters also increases surprisingly. d) In the drop period the change of temperature has much more severe influence on the quantity of climate-related natural disasters than the influence in the rise period.