McKenzie ran out the door and up the street to the nearest subway station. She pushed her way through the crowds to secure a spot on the L train from Brooklyn to Manhattan. She smiled in anticipation of her first day of her internship with the independent feminist media organization, Moxie. For as long as she could remember, McKenzie had been a fan of Moxie magazine for its uplifting representations of women, playful interpretations of feminism, and critique of pop culture. When she saw the call on Twitter that Moxie was looking for summer interns, she jumped at the opportunity. McKenzie was an applied communication major at State University, and one of the requirements of her major was to complete an internship in a communication or creative industry organization. According to the job description, Moxie internships required a three-month, three days-a-week commitment of unpaid work. Intern work included a wide range of office activities like online research, mail, pick-ups and deliveries, copy editing, and other projects as assigned by staff. Most interns lived in or around New York City, but McKenzie was lucky that one of her mom’s best friends from college lived in Brooklyn and was happy to have McKenzie sleeping on the couch for the summer. There was also a coffee shop at the corner that hired McKenzie part-time so she would have some summer spending money. McKenzie’s mind returned to her commute as her Union Station stop was announced. She shuffled off of the train with the rest of the commuters and made her way to the Moxie loft.