Online news sources are constantly changing in an attempt to reach their maximum capabilities. What was once the norm, to find only the day’s news regurgitated onto the newspaper’s Web site, is now becoming obsolete. The newspaper Web sites are no longer like their print counterparts (Dibean & Garrison, 2001). “Newspapers’ online versions, no longer bound by static sheets of processed pulp and ink, are now enriching stories not only with more photos and graphics, but also with movement and sound. Television has come to newspapers, as links between online papers and TV stations are formed” (Williams, 2000, p. 133). Numerous media organizations are teaming up together, newspapers, local TV, and online news organizations are operating in the name of convergence, creating a new model of newsroom, with broadcast, online, and print all sharing the same newsdesk (Moses, 2001). With the growth of the Internet, cross-media partnership is growing at fast pace. Cross-media partnership is producing a new type of medium on the Internet as well as media content of news Web sites.