Premise and summary In this chapter I try to contribute to the debate on the probability of reswitching and on the relevance of this issue. I offer it as a homage to a dear friend, for whose TXDOLWLHVERWKKXPDQDQGVFLHQWL¿F,IHHOJUHDWDGPLUDWLRQ $WWKHFRVWRIVRPHVLPSOL¿FDWLRQRQHFDQGLVWLQJXLVKWZRPDLQUHSOLHVWRWKH

claim, advanced most forcefully by Garegnani (1970, 1978-79, 1990) but also by many others (including Heinz and myself), that reswitching and reverse capital deepening undermine the entire supply-and-demand (or marginalist, or neoclassical) approach to value, distribution and growth.