To make these objectives possible, the ‘Holiday Participation’ service works a lot with organisations who are willing to offer some of their places to people on low incomes. For these organisations it means that they need to organise themselves a bit differently. People on low incomes are sometimes not highly educated or may be poor readers, so a letter with detailed instructions and juridical information may not be helpful. For a youth camp 150 km from home, transport may have to be organised as many parents on low incomes would not have a car with which to bring their children. For some people it could be the first time they’ve left their home for any extended period, and this comes with a lot of questions and emotions beforehand, as well as during the holiday. Also, difficult family issues and emotional stress are more likely to occur in impoverished families or those on a low income. Many organisations that offer these opportunities in their programme are working with volunteers who provide guidance at the holiday and youth camps.