Rgura 1 ConditioneO inhiblOOn: electrophysiology and benaviour. I, ElectrOde placements in the prefrontal cortex (grey area) Cg1: cingulate area 1: Prl and MO: prefrontal and medial """tal cortices, resoectiVely". b. d. Representative changes in activity before (Pre , and 21 and during Cl-CS presentation. c. Top. mean unit activity ratIOS. CS presentatlOfl caused a greater oecrease in prefrontal actIVity in unpaJrec;i animals than in paired animals (Flo 10 = 5.9: P < 0.051. Bottom. mean percentage freezing. Unpaired miCe displayed mOfe treezing than paired mice (Fl. 10 = 7.n: P < 0.02) .• , Rela_iIl between behavioural and electropllysiological data from aJI12 animals (r = 0.73: P = 0.0(63).