Stanwell School opened in purpose-built accommodation in 1978 and in 1982 became fully comprehensive. It is a mixed comprehensive school for students aged 11-16 years, serving a city in the South West. It is over-subscribed every year and has a rising roll that matches the city’s expansion. The school has been designated a Specialist Science College. It is a Leading Edge school for innovative practice and has a Sportsmark Award and a gold level award in Arts. It is also the Lead School for a partnership Secondary School-Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) scheme, where the collaborative group graduates 50 student teachers every year. As a result Stanwell School, along with its partners, has been designated a Training School. Recently Stanwell School was awarded Investors in People (IIP) status with a report that described it as one of the best institutions assessed. An excellent OFSTED report in April 2002 stated that the school was ‘the best school we have inspected in nine and a half years’. The school has a close working relationship with local sixth form colleges and also works closely with two separate clusters. It is keen to share practice and open up discussion with local schools.