The advantages of using fibres as additional microreinforcing in concrete when compared to conventionally reinforced concrete, are the higher post cracking loading capacities and improved toughness with higher energy absorption. It also results in a large reduction of shrinkage cracking of concrete in both the plastic and drying stages (Turatsinze, 2007)

Nanofibres are defined as a fibre having at least one dimension of 100 nanometer (nm) or less. The name is derived from the scientific measurement unit representing a billionth of a meter, or three to four atoms wide, a nanometer. Nanofibres generally have a diameter of less than one micron. Nanofibres typically used in concrete include carbon nanotubes and graphite fibres. Carbon nanotubes are a form of carbon which are cylindrical in shape and graphite fibres are platelets which are perfectly arranged in various orientations with respect to the fibre axis.