There are two fundamental changes that are refl ected in this book. First is the change in aging. In every measurable way, more people at age 60 are more physically capable and more physically active than in the past. Physically, mentally, we are not aging as rapidly, or in the same way that humans have in prior generations. However, what may be more important is that people perceive that they don’t feel as old as they “should” (i.e., “I don’t feel 60”; “I don’t feel 70”; etc.). In some ways this may be the most profound of all the changes to “aging” — most people are refusing to accept the idea that they are “old.” Of course, this does not affect everyone universally. In fact, many people either suffer a catastrophic medical event, or (because of a hard life of physical labor) they physically age more rapidly. However, the majority of people are fi nding themselves more able and capable than ever before.