Creative expression, is above all, an act of freedom. I create means I am free-I become free. e message of art is a message of freedom.

—Mikis Theodorakis Sabert Basescu’s “Creativity and the Dimensions of Consciousness” is a splendid piece of work, particularly when we consider the time it was written and how dierent it is from Basescu’s other, more clinical publications. He did not write much, but what he did publish tended to be clinical, brief, clear, and personal. In “Creativity and the Dimensions of Consciousness” he is erudite and makes use of systematic empirical research but is not personal. Clearly, there were many sides to Basescu’s writing and thinking style. In this article, Basescu is reaching for something that was not done much in the 1950s and 1960s: to place the psychological study of creativity in context. is context involves both conscious and unconscious processes, all within a humanistic/existential view of the person.