Differentiating (1) with respect to x yields∫ x 0

y(t) dt – ∫ 1 x

y(t) dt = f ′x(x). (2)

Differentiating (2) yields the solution

y(x) = 12 f ′′xx(x). (3)

2◦. Let us demonstrate that the right-hand side f (x) of the integral equation must satisfy certain relations. By setting x = 0 and x = 1 in (1), we obtain two corollaries

ty(t) dt = f (0)

and ∫ 1 0 (1 – t)y(t) dt = f (1), which can be rewritten in the form

ty(t) dt = f (0), ∫ 1 0

y(t) dt = f (0) + f (1). (4)

Substitute y(x) of (3) into (4). Integration by parts yields f ′x(1) =f (1)+f (0) and f ′x(1)–f ′x(0) = 2f (1) + 2f (0). Hence, we obtain the desired constraints for f (x):

f ′x(1) = f (0) + f (1), f ′x(0) + f ′x(1) = 0. (5) Conditions (5) make it possible to find the admissible general form of the right-hand side

of the integral equation: f (x) = F (x) + Ax + B,

A = – 12 [ F ′x(1) + F ′x(0)

] , B = 12

[ F ′x(1) – F (1) – F (0)

] ,

whereF (x) is an arbitrary bounded twice differentiable functionwith bounded first derivative.