The timely recognition of the need for urgent response during sudden floods and debris flows from upstream catchments, or impending disasters from large rivers upstream remains a problem when proposing mitigation strategies. The objective when using the proposed technology of the Moving Digital Earth (MDE) is to join remote sensing Digital Earth (DE) technology with methods of the Automatic Systems Analysis for estimation of all environmental flows in nature systems.TheVirtual Nature System and advanced version as the MDE offer overview, assessment, and propose courses of action for mitigation of natural hazards due to storms in any type of urban area. When an urban area (site) is partly within one of several river basins, or set near a big river and/or near a coastal zone, the most vulnerable areas are flood plains (for floods), small rivers and streams (for flash floods and debris flows), and coastal zones. Other risks are associated with overfilling and blocking of dams. The Virtual Nature System provides a digital model of the actual systems and enables monitoring of high-risk areas.