The usual question in this context is: Are models fi ctions? I fi nd this way of formulating the question to be misleading. It suggests that both scientifi c models and works of fi ction have intrinsic, essential properties, so that, once these are disclosed, we can easily ascertain whether these two sets of properties are identical or, more realistically, the extent to which they overlap. Given the variety of things that can be used as models as well as the variety of fi ctional genres, I doubt any useful set of such intrinsic properties exists. I have thus implicitly replaced the usual question by another: Should scientifi c models be regarded as works of fi ction? This way of stating the issue makes clear that the issue is not one of defi nition but of interpretation. And it suggests that possible answers to the question are to be evaluated in terms of their consequences for understanding the roles of models in the practices of scientists. On this understanding of the question, I think the answer is decidedly negative.