Over the past few decades, researchers have become increasingly interested in the eff ects of neighborhood context on the lives of families and young people, and communities have become even more relevant in light of recent public policy developments. Th eoretically, neighborhoods are important contexts for socialization and development, as well as places where we see structures of inequality and opportunity in action. Neighborhoods are also signifi cant because they are closely tied to schooling opportunities, given the zoning of public schools. Th is connection is underscored by recent federal court cases that have considered whether to mandate racial or socioeconomic integration in housing and school settings (Meredith v. Jeff erson County Board (2007); Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1 (2007); Th ompson v. HUD (2006)). Residential mobility and housing policy have also garnered national attention aft er the hurricane disaster in New Orleans, and HOPE VI demolitions are prompting concerns about where families relocate aft er their housing projects are demolished.