It is often asserted that international migration of high-skilled workers has accelerated during the 1990s (e.g. OECD, 2002). At the same time, policies to attract high-skilled migrants have received the support of many policymakers in developed economies. Not only has the publicly perceived importance of high-skilled migration changed, but also the patterns of highskilled migration (Straubhaar and Wolter, 1997; Mahroum, 1999). In particular, short-term migration has become more important and the international mobility of students, researchers and also entrepreneurs has increased. Today, firm-internal migration within multinational enterprises makes up an important share of high-skilled migration, and the professions of high-skilled migrants have also been changing over time. In the period from 1960 to 1980, university teachers and health professionals captured a large share of overall high-skilled migration. Since then, the international migration of ICT professionals has gained particular importance.