Landonline was introduced in New Zealand in 2002 as an automated operation of the New Zealand Torrens system. At that time, the author was an outspoken critic of the new system, suggesting that its design and operation made it vulnerable to misuse and abuse by practitioners, as licensed users of the system.

This chapter is a further consideration by the author some 18 years later of the way the use of Landonline has since developed. In this chapter, the author suggests that the operation of Landonline has in the main been successful, owing to the high professional standards adopted by practitioners licensed in terms of its operation. However, he holds that the system still remains vulnerable to misuse and abuse by practitioners and suggests it is only a matter of time before a significant abuse occurs. By way of conclusion, he suggests enhancements to the Landonline system which, if adopted, he argues will make it less susceptible to fraud, abuse and misuse.