Honey is a natural sweet substance produced by honeybees worldwide (Figure 5.1). It consists of a complex mixture of water, various sugars, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins and minerals (White, 1975). The composition is influenced not only by natural factors (geographical origins, botanical sources, environment, climate) (Anklam, 1998) but also by processing, handling and storage (Martin and Bogdanov, 2002). Monitoring such a complex liquid is important to the food industry (Bogdanov et al., 1999; Martin and Bogdanov, 2002; Pilizota and Tiban, 2009) to ensure genuine quality and to identify fraudulent imitations and adulteration which affect the integrity of the honey market (Pilizota and Tiban, 2009; El-bialee et al., 2013; Roshan et al., 2013).