Launched in June 2017 by Le Club des Juristes, a French think tank, the first draft of the Global Pact for the Environment (GPE) intends to create a global and legally binding instrument. It would include key principles, such as the precautionary principle , polluter pays principle (PPP), preventive action principle , principle of non-regression , the right to a clean environment (see Human and environmental rights ), and common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR). In the search for increasing effectiveness of international environmental law, the Pact would be applicable to states and relied upon in courts at national and international levels (see Compliance and implementation ). Similar to the governance issues that the World Environment Organization was meant to address, the Pact’s main objectives include creating a common core of legally binding principles to bring environmental regimes closer (see Polycentricity ), reduce environmental law fragmentation, fill-in its gaps, and increase its implementation by states.