Due to the increase in pre–K-12 student populations, the exponential growth of dual language programs, and the gentrification of dual language education, the need for critically consciousness dual language teachers is undeniably vital now more than ever. Institutions of higher education, in particular colleges of education, find themselves at the center of a transformative era, in both theory and practice, with respect to dual language teacher preparation. Currently, dual language teacher educators’ conversations revolve around the challenge in identifying, naming, and confronting pressing issues related to the preparation of dual language teachers and their readiness to meet the demands created by the proliferation of dual language schools across the nation. This chapter centers on the fundamental matters of recognizing and interrupting dominant ideologies and hegemonic practices that have made their way into dual language classrooms by explicitly addressing how a teacher’s ideology, sociocultural/linguistic funds of identity, and pedagogy announce or denounce dual language teachers’ critical consciousness, that leads to the creation of equitable teaching and learning spaces.