Although the difference between “problem solving” and “solution-building” (or perhaps better to say “solution-growing”) processes have already been well described in Solution Focused literature, this chapter is focused on the less obvious difference between “narrow” and “wide” solution-growing processes. The “narrow” ones are more focused on one topic or some area from the client’s life, while the “broader” or the “wide” ones are connected with more complexity of the client’s life. This chapter brings some practical examples of both “wide” and “narrow” solution-growing processes as well as some clues for making the shift from the “narrow” to the “wide” solution-growing and vice versa.

In this text, we go beyond the classic distinction between problem-solving and the solution-development to distinguish the imaginary “width” or “narrowness” of the solution-development process. This chapter also brings some practical examples of both “wide” and “narrow” solution-growing processes as well as some clues for making the shift from “narrow” to “wide” solution-growing and vice versa.