In Russia, the new instruments acquired by the local authorities in 1992 made it easier for local governments to encourage multi-plant enterprises to "relocate" themselves in their locales, and to create difficulties for the local offices of firms based elsewhere. The Russian government during the 1992-1994 privatization campaign received numerous applications for the establishment of holding companies, many of which were denied by the state property committee. The "state program for demonopolizing the economy and developing market competition in the Russian federation" was adopted by the government on March 9, 1994. The state committee of the Russian federation for antimonopoly policy and support of economic structures was established in August 1990. While the Russian portion of the former Soviet economy was highly monopolized, the extent of industrial concentration was not as high as widely believed. The state committee on antimonopoly policy was created in 1990, and Russia's first antimonopoly law was adopted in 1991.