The article presents a study of a stone manor possessing architectural and engineering merit, located in Petropavlovsk and constructed in the early 19th century. Climatic conditions affected the architectural and planning composition of the residential manor: the direction of prevailing winds allowed determining where entrances to the house should be placed. The main entrance is oriented to the courtyard. Another one is a service entrance connecting the house with a lean-to. During reconstruction of the building, it was found that the foundation was made of brick and reached two meters in depth. A unique waterproofing system made of birch bark was discovered between the foundation and the masonry. This natural material protected the house against excessive moisture and dampness. A method of floor heat insulation, unique to the present day, was found as well. The house had warm flooring consisting of two layers—the lower and the upper—so that the earthen floor at the basement level would provide adequate heat insulation and would not freeze through. A layer of dried and light horse droppings, used as a heat-insulating material at the time, was laid down between them. Due to this sandwich construction, floors in houses remained warm, even with severe frosts.