Th e present review covers all currently known marine and brackishwater gobies in the eastern part of the amphiatlantic Temperate North Atlantic realm sensu Spalding et al. (2007) i.e. in its four eastern provinces: the Northern European Seas, the Lusitanian, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Th e data includes African coast to the Cape Vert peninsula in Senegal, but not the Cape Verde islands. In Briggs’ (1974) classic biogeographic division of continental shelfs, temperate waters of the North-Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean were divided in cold-temperate Eastern Atlantic Boreal region and the warm-temperate Mediterranean-Atlantic region (Fig. 2.2.1A). Th e last one being further divided in the province Lusitania, including the Mediterranean, and the Black Sea and Caspian

Sea as separate provinces. Spalding et al. (2007) had similarly positioned boundaries in Atlantic between cold-temperate Northern European Seas and warm-temperate Lusitania as Briggs (1974).