MS is a 25-day-old infant born at 26 weeks’ gestation, weighing 650 g. He was stable on 50% oxygen and minimal ventilatory settings. He was on continuous feedings using a premature formula. At 25 days of age the infant developed acute abdominal distention, intolerance to feedings, and bloody stools. Urgent consultation with the pediatric surgeon was requested. A radiograph showed diffuse pneumatosis. He was mottled, acidotic, and hypotensive. His laboratory values showed a white blood cell count of 2000, hemoglobin of 7 mg%, and a platelet count of 6000. He received packed red cells and platelets. Blood cultures were drawn and he was started on triple antibiotics. The parents agreed to bedside peritoneal drainage. After 36 hours, MS was clinically stable and the pediatric surgeon advised laparotomy. The parents refused the operation.