Atresia of the choanae is a relatively rare congenital anomaly in which one or both choanae are obstructed by a membranous or bony plate, either partially or completely. The condition is variously reported as occurring one in 5000-10 000 births.1-3 Approximately 50% of cases are associated with other cranio-facial developmental anomalies such as Treacher Collins’ syndrome, anomalies of pharyngeal arches derivatives, CHARGE association. The latter association is an acronym of colobomata (retinal and/or iridial), heart disease, atresia choanae, retarded growth and development, genital anomalies in males and ear anomalies including deafness. An anomalous contribution of the cephalic neural crest cells to the embryogenesis of either the face or the autonomic nervous system, may explain why choanal atresia is nearly always associated with either minor facial anomalies or autonomic disorders.4 A disturbance of the mesodermal migration of the neural crest cells may also explain the frequent association with other major congenital anomalies.