Cleanliness ................................................................................... 101 7.5 Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 102 Keywords ................................................................................................................. 102 References................................................................................................................ 102


Indiscriminate dumping of solid wastes along the streets and roads corners causes a lot of deadly infectious diseases which could be responsible for the large proportion of morbidity and mortality in Nigeria. A deterministic model needed for short and long term waste management and management information system in Anambra State sanitation and environmental protection agency (ANSEPA) is considered in this chapter. A review of literature on model methods is presented, with brief method of the study and analysis used for the determination of the required results. Moreover, this study was aimed to determine which type of integrated solid waste management option or program will be used to implement minimized cost and maximized benefit (benefit cost ratio) over a long period of planning period. Consequently, the model will be used by the decision ma kers in finding the solution to environmental, economical, sanitary, technical, and social goals, through the use of equipment, routine maintenance, personal and sundry.