Nutraceuticals-foods with medical-health benefits beyond their basic nutritional function-are of increasing interest for the prevention and treatment of disease. Marine products are good sources of nutraceuticals with antimicrobial, antioxidant, immunoenhancing, antitumor, and anti-inflammatory activities (Table 10.1). The majority of the nutraceuticals have multiple therapeutic benefits. The nutraceuticals chitin, chitosan, glucosamine, carotenoids (mainly astaxanthin), and carotenoprotein have been extracted from shrimp, crab shells, and squid pens (Shahidi, 2005). Collagen, gelatin, peptides, and unsaturated essential fatty acids can be extracted from fish

Contents 10.1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 115 10.2 Shrimp By-products as Sources for the Production of Chitin,

Chitosan, and Carotenoprotein .............................................................. 116 10.2.1 Extraction of Chitin from Shrimp By-product ........................... 117 Extraction of Chitin from Shrimp By-product by Chemical Method ...................................................... 118 Recovery of Chitin from Shrimp By-product Using Biological Methods ........................................................ 119

10.2.2 Chitosan Preparation by Chemical Deacetylation ...................... 119 10.2.3 Chitosan by Biocatalytic Deacetylation ......................................121 10.2.4 Purification of Chitosan Extracted from Shrimp By-product ....121