The signal flow diagram has the conventional form of a circuit diagram, comprising connected branches and nodes, and differs from a circuit diagram m two important ways. The nodes are the points where the signals appear and where they are summated, and that the branches are oriented and their orientation forms a single channel for the travel of the signal (Macmillian, 1964). Mason introduced the signal flow diagram in 1953 as a process for analysis of linear systems as a graphic method of representation of a set of linear algebraic equations (Johnson and Johnson, 1972). When the equations represent a physical system, the graph depicts the flow of signals from one point of the system to another. In 1956, Mason would develop a gain formula that would give a transfer function ofa linear system (Johnson and Johnson, 1972). Coates (1959) flow graph is a generalization of the signal flow graph and depends on the structure of the set of equations (Johnson and Johnson, 1972).