Beamforming is a space–time operation in which a waveform originating from a given source but received at spatially separated sensors is coherently combined in a time-synchronous manner. The main purpose of beamforming is to improve the SINR, which is often performed after a desired source location is obtained. Direction-of-arrival, bearing estimation, or angle of arrival, and source localization are the classical problems in array signal processing. The deterministic Maximum Likelihood solution can be given when the statistics of the source are assumed to be unknown and deterministic. The design of acoustic localization algorithms mainly focuses on high performance, minimal communications load, computationally efficiency, and robust methods to reverberant and interference effects. The widely used narrowband super-resolution methods such as MUSIC have been extended to the wideband case to achieve high resolution with low interaction among sources. Many have proposed using focusing matrices to transform the wideband signal subspaces into a predefined narrowband subspace.