Figure 3 Large strips and small cubes of frozen-thawed ovarian tissue were placed into the furrow created by the peritoneal window very close to the ovarian vessels and fimbria.

Following this first reimplantation of frozen-thawed ovarian cortex, we slightly modified the technique. Since we know from experimental data that the ovary itself, even if atrophic, may be an ideal site for reimplantation, we believe that cortical pieces can be grafted directly onto the ovarian medulla. The remaining ovarian cortex of the atrophic ovary is thus removed and pieces of frozen-thawed ovarian cortex are sutured to the ovarian medulla with nonresorbable stitches (7.0 Prolene) (Fig. 4). This procedure has the advantage of not requiring a first laparoscopy to induce neovascularization. With this technique, the use of small cubes of 2 × 2 mm does not allow easy suturing, so we now prefer to cryopreserve strips of 12 × 5 mm, which are easier to reimplant.