Tllc G x E data set under investigation comes from t,he Int.ernatioiia1 Maize and Il'l~eat lmproverrient Centre (CIMMYT), ill1 iriternation:tlly fimded, noii-profit reseitrch organization a,imetl a t iniprovilig the protluctivity, profitia1)ility: and sustainiability of ma.ixc and wheat fimrlers in lowitlcornc co~mtrics. C1MMYrl' dissemini&s most of it,s elite germplixm through a syst,enr of iritel.~i;ttional ~iurseries, where the term "rnlrsery" means a collection of wheat lines a,sserrihlctl to rncet a l)rectling objective (Fox, 1996). One of the rriajor CI1CIMY-I' nurseries wa.s the Internittional Spring Wheat Wield Nmsery (ISWYN), with the first,, ISkVYN1, distributed in 1964 and lhe last, ISWYNno, distributed in 1994 to cooperators aroulid the world as pre-packaged sectl, ready for sowing in u,n i~~ternatiorial m111ti-crivirorirrlent, trial.