Through considerable research efforts by numerous laboratories around the world, there have been great improvements in embryo culture conditions. However, it would be complacent to propose that culture conditions were now optimized. When discussing embryo culture it is important to consider embryo culture systems rather than embryo culture media in isolation, as all aspects of the culture system need to be optimized in order for culture media to achieve their best results. This concept highlights the interactions that exist between the embryo and its physical surroundings. It is also important to acknowledge that it is not possible to make a good embryo from poor quality gametes. Rather, it is the role of the laboratory to maintain the inherent viability of the oocyte and sperm from which the embryo is derived. This means that the in vitro fertilization (IVF) laboratory is ultimately dependent on the quality of the stimulation by the physician and emphasizes the importance of the team in IVF. So to successfully culture embryos one has to take a more holistic look at patient management and the laboratory.